True Loves

  “one true love” -the person that is perfect for you and you for them. They are everything you want and need. You love everything about them. And they return these feelings. If anyone could meet their one true love, well…that person’s entire life would be complete happiness. The two of you will never fall out of love.

how lucky i am to have more than one true love, got many true love. seriously speaking tho i’m not the kind of person who is vocal on how i really feel, when i go through something i like to keep it to myself, or when i care about someone i just show it instead of talking about it or expressing it on deep sincere words, i think i’m just not that kind of person who wants to show my vulnerable side coz i don’t want people to think i’m somewhat weak or an open book, there is more to me than meets the eye. so for starters let me show my vulnerable side for these people…. who are they? my one true LOVES (cheesy? well don’t get me started on the sweet thoughts i have in mind. and this my friend is a one time thing, i don’t do this sweet shit but let me, just for now)

 i don’t have to mention their names coz i know they know who they are. One of the most amazing things that can happen is finding someone who sees everything you are and won’t let you be anything less. They see the potential of you. They see endless possibilities. And through their eyes, you start to see yourself the same way as someone who matters. As someone who can make a difference in the world. If you’re lucky enough to find this person, never let them go. and i swore to myself wherever the world takes me i wouldn’t let these people go. never. i used to have someone important in my life before, more than a best friend i would say but things never worked out after 10 years, well most part was my fault but we were both to blame for not doing something about it, but we’re way past that, and i won’t do the same mistake twice. but even if i do the same mistake i’m pretty sure these people will still keep up with my shitty bipolar attitude and no matter how asshole i can be they’ll be there.

well we all know tomorrow is not guaranteed, i don’t know where we will be after 10 years, but these people are for keeps. i won’t be able to go through all those bullshits if it wasn’t for them as well. they know the deepest and darkest secrets i have (i guess) but i never felt any care less than of what i deserve. so some people talk about their one true love, well who needs a boyfriend/girlfriend when you have these people in your life?

 i might find someone i could call mine but this is my true love. these people are. boyfriends/girlfriends are replaceable friendship isn’t.

Dear Guys,
thank you for the things you’ve done. thank you saying the things i need to hear rather than the things i wanted to hear. thank you for making my past a joke, i wouldn’t get by it if it wasn’t for that too. you are one of the reasons for some of the happiest moments in my life. if you asked me right now if what is one of the happiest moment in my life that would be the time i got my self screwed over and had my heart broken, and met you guys. I know that no matter what, I would have suffered it all just for the tiny chance of meeting you. so thank you.
I don’t need a gaggle to have a good time, coz some of my best times are spent when i get lost with you guys. to more adventures!

so what do they say about squad goals? well here are my squad goals. 

i could be really shitty sometimes and i’m pretty sure i’m somewhat bipolar, hahaha. but i’m pretty sure too that i’m really lucky and blessed to have these guys as my friends, to call them friends is more than enough. they could be a pain in the ass as well but guess what? everyone is and you just need real people to keep up with your shit! i don’t need to be in a relationship to be able to say “the love of my life” this kids is what i call “i got a lot of love in the world” got tons from these shitty people that can keep up with this tiny shitty person.


(wrote this two months ago, i just realised i need to post it here. some may not be in the picture but they know who they are.)


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