
People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes. and the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. and the only thing that making your dreams impossible is your fear of failure and by not actually doing anything to achiever your dreams.

lately I've been sharing my dreams with people close to me, but not gonna write about it, cause i don't want to talk too soon, maybe someday but not now. so I've been receiving different kinds of reactions some are supportive and others, not so, especially some of my family members and when i say family members i mean the old ones. i do understand that i'm not their favorite grandchild but i really don't like it when they try to compare me with my older cousins who did nothing but marry early and now that i'm trying to have bigger dreams on my own they try to bring me down, they say stuff like "after graduating go find a job even if it's not related to your course" but the good thing about it are the people who support me in my studies they are so understanding and so supportive when it comes to my plans after graduating. i like how they always update me about my application forms and the tests i need to take to get in (having any ideas what i'm talking about, well if no, just keep guessing what my plans are). it's important you surround yourself with the right people and not the people who would do nothing but bring you down with them. always remember that you can see the vast plains because you are able to stand on the shoulders of your giants and not because you follow your giants.

you see, there are people who will never really care how big or small your dreams are and still they are proud of you, but there are people who will try to talk you out from your dreams, but you should never give up on your dreams. hopefully when i get to my dream in the future i hope that i could blog about it again and i'll be able to say like "yes I've made it! it was hard, but it was all worth it!" hopefully i could say that real soon, but for now, i will work the fucking hard to get where i want, this isn't just for me, but for my family as well, i really do want to make them proud and i want my siblings to look up to me and say "that's my sister right there, and i'm proud to call her that" being able to help them in their studies would be a great honor, my parents have done so much for me and i want to make them proud. yes my big dream right now is beyond compare, my dream scares me actually knowing how big it is. but you know what they say about dreams, you should dream big, do big steps, and achieve big things. and no one is too old to have a dream, we can always have something to dream about. cause having a dream is like having a goal in life, and in life you never really stop learning, and you never really stop dreaming.

when you dream it, you must wake up and chase it. a dream without actions are just merely viewpoints of images or worst, viewpoints of memories. if you don't act upon it nothing will happen you'll just end up saying "i could have been...." and that's just really sad and scary too and that is what scares me the most not being able to chase my dreams. but getting all these jitters and fears is normal if you do dream big. your big dreams are suppose to scare the shit out of you, because it could help you to work as fucking hard as you can, or more than you think you can. and failing is part of chasing your dreams most people think that when you have your dreams settled then the path to it, is easy. well sorry to break this one to you but you're wrong! a journey to your dreams is a fucking obstacle and it was never meant to make your life easy but make your life harder than it should or you thought it should, but when you work hard for the things you want, you achieve greater things, greater than you know for yourself. so you might think you're going nowhere right now but believe me, you're a step closer to it than you were yesterday, so keep it up, and know that there are people who are proud of you.


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