Home Alone In A Sunday Night (Food Blog)

well i don't want to dwell in the fact that I'm all alone in a Sunday. but here it goes for the foundation of the blog if that's how you want to put it. so i stayed at home and wasn't able to go to church (i maybe be cheeky but I'm no that bad you know, ha!) i stayed at home because i was feeling really poorly. and when i got a little better i decided to go catch up with my family's Sunday Where-abouts then when i was preparing my stuff to bring, because i decided to go to Starbucks first and have a Iced English Breakfast Tea then an uncanny thing happened! my wallet wasn't in my gym bag anymore! i don't take out my wallet from my gym bag if i don't really need it so i was really shocked upon not being able to find my wallet in it. well to the person who have my wallet you should know now my secret... kidding i don't have anything in that wallet but Foreign bills, IDs, small amount of money, and of course my cash card (my ever life saving cash card!).

so by that, i just stayed at home because i don't have any money on me since all my money and my cash card is in my wallet so there's no way that i can get to anywhere so i spent the whole afternoon at home watching Carmilla and finished the whole series (my gayness towards Natasha Negovanlis and Elise Bauman is on it's maximum gay level). so after finishing the whole series i prepared myself a dinner and as lazy bum as i can be i just took some flour tortilla pre-heated it then took some of my mum's lettuce and tomatoes, then fried some home made bacon and fries! and tada "The Lazy Bum's Dinner."
home alone and too tired to cook? take a tortilla then fry everything you see then put dinner music on Spotify.Solved


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