Well it's your birthday obviously and you ran off to the land down under! I don't know how many hours Australia is ahead of Philippines and I know I just could have googled that but where's the fun in that! hahaha! I'm guessing you're 3 hours ahead! 

So You made a long speech on my birthday and I perfectly remembered that you made me cry. (fact) I'm not saying I'm gonna make you cry coz I guess I've made you cry for being a sadistic bitch sometimes and I'm sorry, but this day ain't about me! It's about the no eyes sappy girl from Insular! hahaha! We might not get along on so many things, most especially on your love life choices but I meant it when I tweeted this

No matter how stubborn you might get I'd always be behind your back and be a friend you want me to be if that means liking your love life choices and so be it coz I'd rather lose some "tough love" beliefs than losing a true friend. So there's that. 

I know I haven't really cleared the air yet since "hilltop" but later that "hilltop" night I found out that you thought I was avoiding you and you thought that I had a tweet written about you and deleted it, to tell you honestly I was a bit pissed not because you felt that way (which is actually normal to feel that way when you're so called friend named "nanui" is putting on her bitch facade on you) but what pissed me off is you didn't told me or asked me about it so I could have explained myself, so I'm gonna explain myself now to clear off some air coz I know you won't let this go if I'll never clear it out, hahaha! so here it goes... that tweet was about everything that was going on during the times I wasn't around in the so called "tapok" and about the dramas I've heard then I've come to tweet about it because of what I heard about in Mati and Bianne's thanksgiving especially Nix's drama then I deleted that tweet afterwards because of "wrong grammar" (yes I do that). So that was the story behind about that tweet (hahaha! ang babaw noh?). I just felt really bad coz when I have problems or something is bothering me about you I do ask you and I do say it though sometimes I do get bitchy but I just wished you could have told me that you were feeling that way or you're annoyed by me because I didn't know how to apologize coz you already had that perception of me that I wasn't being real to you and I thought there was no point of explaining myself coz you've already got your mind made up that I was that kind of person and I'm sorry for treating you that way Tel. I could get really rough sometimes and sometimes I don't try to fix things anymore when I know there's no point of doing it. I really am sorry, I know I'm not good with being kind and all good or not good with actions but if there is one thing I'm good at it is valuing the people I care about. So again, I'm really am sorry.

But this should be a happy birthday speech and I just wanted to clear that out coz you're the last person I want to have an argument with.  

I just wish you the happiest birthday Tel! and I just want you to know that you really deserve better (and yes you deserve better than Karlo! hahahaha! Atik lang promise I won't judge that choice of yours I'll just judge your whole being pero atik lang again! hahaha) kidding aside I'd be happy on whatever makes you happy, I mean we'll all be happy on whatever makes you happy except drugs. I wish you all the happiness in this cruel world coz no one deserves it more than you do. Yes you get a little, awkward, stubborn, and maldita sometimes and sometimes.... most of the time.... hahaha... though I can be worse than you, but you've always have the kindest heart for a friend and I wish nothing but the same kindness back to you! Just keep being you're awkward self but learn to love yourself more. 


N  (Sassiest Friend Ever!) 


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